During the manufacturing of rafters on Thursday, 3 days ago, Shaun suffered a twinge in his lower back muscles and had to slow down. Fortunately, we had only one session left to do to complete and by careful positioning and movement, he was able to complete the task of squeezing the rafters while being nailed together by Stephen.
But for the rest of the afternoon and for the next 3 days, it was felt that rest was called for and not risk further damage.
So we had a change of plans and switched over to quantifying the total amount of Oak timber we would need for the external features of our house (and Garage too). See separate External Oak Timber Survey report.
Shaun reports that after 2 days of rest, his back muscles are recovering well and hopefully another 24 hours rest (Sunday) will see him doing limited work on Monday. We have to cut the bevel ends on our rafters we have made as the next job before putting them up into the roof and that could be possible for Shaun.