We moved on to doing the next roof section, the “O” steep roof but it was quite small and only needed three boards to complete it.

Then it was time to start work on the last major section of the roof, the Great Room “P” roof section. But first, we had to move our mobile platform from one end of the house beside the Garage (on the “H” and “I” corner of the roof), all the way along the front and down the side so we can get access to the roof and then moved all our equipment and tools around on to it.

Next was the task of drilling the little clearance holes behind the Fascia board so we can run a conduit or a water pipe so we can self-water any hanging baskets etc. or have sensors or LED lighting up in our eves. We also made sure that there was no excess sticking up pieces of webbing on the rafters so our boards will lay flat and get a good glue bond.
Finally, we had time to start the first row of posh plywood boards and put up two of them to get us going.


Tomorrow, we will continue with the “P”, running up the “Q” and down the other side and in a few days, we will have the whole of “P” and “Q” done and that would be it – at last!

By Shaun

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