Early this morning, the last of our building material arrives! At 8:51am, the lorry came reversing down our Loke, loaded with all our timber planks! They were: 4 large pallets of 63mm CLS treated timber (2 pallets) and 89mm CLS treated timber (another 2 pallets).
Plus also delivered loosely, 20 lengths of the 150mm by 50mm planks, 2 lengths of 75mm by 50mm planks and 34 lengths of 100mm by 50mm planks, all of which are untreated.We moved all the odd sizes over to our timber storage yard (our swimming lane!) so they are now under cover from the weather.
It is interesting to note that the treated timber pieces were done on the 22nd March (shown on a label stapled to the packs), but we ordered the timber way back on the 14th March. The treatment plant was up in Hull of all places! We assume that the liquid chemicals (which contain Copper, Benzalkoniumchloride & Boric Acid ) which were vacuum impregnated into the timber needed to be dried hence why it took 2 weeks from treatment date to delivery today.