It is day 2 (and last day!) of our cleanup operation of the remaining Aquacell crates we have had in storage ever since we bought them several years ago! The location is now one bare patch of ground!



We discovered that we had only 89 crates left in the pile and not the full 90 we needed! It was pure chance that it turned out like this anyway, as we had used about 10 of these Aquacell crates a couple of years ago to improve drainage in front of our temporary living quarters! Fortunately, we had 1 odd unit lying around, a heavier duty version so we are going to use that one instead of doing the tedious task of digging up one of the buried ones and swap it!

So We now have a pile of 90 plastic crates sitting near the final resting place, to form the body of our Energy Module Number 5 under the Great Room.



Tomorrow, we will firstly tidy up at the top end of the plot, to allow somewhere for the huge quantity of the sandy soil to be placed and stored semi-permanently, mostly up against Mount Sod and its wooden wall barrier. It is a large amount in the order of 25 cubic meters, weighing about 50 tons!!

By Shaun

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