The Steel requirement for the skylight frame has been sorted out into a shopping list and sent off to half a dozen different local suppliers in Norfolk, and beyond. We are getting Quotes from most of the suppliers and they are all running in around the £2300 mark but for one major difference, only one (so far) has said that their transport has a built-in crane, which would make it so much easier to unload the 3 tons of steel pieces we need!

But, we discovered a situation regarding the Building Regulation and fabrication of steelwork, where in certain circumstances, one needs to show a certificate (or two) proving that the quality of workmanship and grade of steel meets the proper European Standard (as of November 2014). We made enquiries with our local building inspector and after leaving someone to look into this matter, and waiting a few hours, and a final telephone conversation answering last minute questions, they agreed that our design is neat and simple and well within our remit to fabricate and assemble the Steel framework  ourselves. Phew thanks goodness for that!

We are now just waiting for one more final quote to come in and then we will probably order from the supplier that has the crane on their vehicle.

In the meantime, we are tidying up along the Loke side, levelling up the ground so we will have a landing area for the delivery of the steel bits and pieces, as well as other material we will need later on.

By Shaun

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