After lunch, we resumed the task of creating the next rafter, this time, the JK diagonal LVL going from the K Ridge and down into the far outside corner of the Bedroom 2 extension. We double checked the measurements outside now that the K Ridge is up. The corner leg was pulled out of the stack and sliced down to 2382mm high and and then measured from that point back up to the metal bracket up on the K Ridge, which turned out to be 4912mm distance. The other task we did outside, was to cut the corner cement board away and a piece of the top-plate too, to make a receptacle for the bird’s mouth on the JK rafter to slot into.
Back in the workshop, we sliced 28.6 degree angles on the end of four pieces of the 455mm wide plywood webbing strips and then proceeded to do the same to the beginning of the LVL timber and also one noggin 89mm timber piece too.
That concludes our day today! Tomorrow, we will continue with this rafter and also start preparing for the KL rafter too.

By Shaun

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