Spent the last few days finishing off the back wall now the cement boards are here…

First we fixed a sheet of thick polythene over the OSB as a final waterproofing layer, this took longer than we thought as we had to work hard to get the wrinkles out. Cut the plastic around the window holes. Then placed and aligned the cement boards.

BW - Cement boards on

The next job was to cut and install two rows of noggins at the top of the wall. These will keep the end of the roof I-Beams upright.

Next day we drilled the ventilation holes for the roof  in the wall, 79 of them (each needing to passes with a hole saw). In fact Shaun kept busy removing the cut disks from one hole saw while I used the other on the next hole.

BW - Vent holes drilled

In the afternoon we slid strips of  SS mesh between the cement board and the OSB to cover the holes and fixed them down. Then we routed out the window holes. Last thing of the day was to seal in the joints between boards with Polyurethane sealant.

BW- Windows holes cut

Trimmed off the bottom of the cement boards to the right height. Fitted the ladder brackets and installed the steel ropes and tensioned them (we then de-tensioned them until the wall is installed in final position). The wall is now ready to be moved into place.

BW - Ready to raise

By Stephen

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