The first 2 windows were completed today! We simply got on with the installation of the windows in the back wall in the garden room regardless of the fact that there was a very slight hint of rain in the air! The forecast said that it would be dry all day just like yesterday so we got on with it!

The Oak frame was sealed in using PU sealant, clamped down while six screws were driven in side ways to provide a solid fixing. The glass was then stuck into place using double sided glazing tape. The glass fits just fine! The Oak frame also fitted just fine too! Phew!

GR First two windows installed

GR First two windows installed

GR First two windows installed

GR First two windows installed

It is interesting that the old temporary plastic windows were much brighter than the glass but that is because the plastic film wasn’t completely transparent and they glowed in the daylight but of course the glass is so much clearer! The room will now be overall brighter when we have the remaining windows done!

Two more to go on the back wall. 7 more of a different design to do later (1 left in the Garden Room and 6 more in the front garage room).

By Shaun

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