We did only a half day of work today, as we had other commitments in the

On Monday, we tried mixing the mortar with 4litres and 50ml of Plasticiser
but it was quite stiff so we had to add more water. Today, we did 4litres
and 75ml of plasticiser and it seems to be much better this time!!

We did 25 blocks. We found that our template for guiding and controlling the
amount of mortar to put down on the blocks was slowing things down too much
so we went back to putting a layer of mortar by hand and just used the
template on the vertical joint to control the thickness. It worked out much
better that way and we could get a controlled placement of the block and it
didn’t run away with us!!









It took us about 4 hours to do the 25 blocks this time, a full mixer load of
mortar. So it looks like us doing one load in the morning and another one
after lunch to do 50 blocks.

By Shaun

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