Everything which ends up below final ground level.
The main parts of the ground works are :- (colour in diagram above)
Foundations (Grey)
Foundations will be part of a simple concrete raft (150mm thick) as thicker sections where the load is applied (300mm thick in areas shown).
Rain Water Collection (Blue)
Rainwater will be collected from the roofs of both the house and garage. This gives us a collection area of approx. 430m2, giving 430 litres of water for each mm of rain fall. The rain is fed to a two stage filter system before entering the 25000 liter tank. [more…]
Foul Sewers (Terracotta)
Sewerage is all sent to the processing plant and thence to the leech field. [more…]
Earth Tube (Brown)
Takes air from under the eves of the garage and feed it under ground in a set of plastic tubes to the house.
Energy Storage (Red)
Tanks of water buried under the house to store excess solar energy in the summer.