Our middle wall inside the Garage is assembled and is UP! This wall is ready for the iBeams (roof rafters) to be thrown up, sit on the supports and fixed down!

The sub-dividing wall between the garden room and the garage front part is made of two layers, in total 30 posts spaced 300mm (a foot) apart alternating from side to side. The reinforced top and bottoms beams have the extra 18mm OSB strips inserted, works quite well especially allowing us to position each post hard up against it and offering good support for the nailing gun!

The two side walls came together very nicely and there was only a small leaning over offset of about 8mm so we pulled it vertically and tied it down waiting for the boards to be fixed on to lock it all up. In fact the roof boards will provide the racking in all directions! Front to Back, Left to Right and North to West too!!

Well that’s the major load bearing wall finished, let’s roll on the moment in a day or so, when the roof goes on!

By Shaun

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