Since there was a big threat of rain arriving in the early afternoon, we changed our planned task for the day and instead went into more Factory Production mode to produce more Leg Parts.

First of all, we went outside in the morning, while it was still dry and sanded each slot in the slot cutting template to widen it very slightly. We had found that the slots were just a bit too tight for easy insertion when we was trying out a completed Leg.

Then we cut the regularly spaced (at 612mm) slots in a further 12 lengths of 63mm CLS timber, to add to our previous 8 lengths we had done earlier, making a total of 20. This means we are ready to put on the top-plate for the inner posts for the Installation of the Wall Legs.

We repeated the process of cutting slots for another 20 lengths of the 89mm CLS timber, so these are also ready for the top-plate on the outer posts. The only outstanding job is to cut slots for both the 63mm and 89mm pieces to cater for the doorways and at some corners where extra legs are needed.



Just before lunch, we carried into our workshop a heap of the 63mm CLS timber, another 65 lengths, ready for chopping into the required lengths.



After lunch, armed with a piece of paper with our measurements and tally numbers, we went to chop 43 lengths of the 63mm CLS to exactly 2900 mm long and a further 25 lengths of 2660 mm pieces, these will form the other two sizes of the Legs to complete the circuit of the External Wall.

We had to fetch another 5 more 63mm CLS and 3 more 89mm CLS timber pieces to make up the numbers. The 89mm were chopped to produce the 2393 mm outer wall legs.



Finally, we swept up all the sawdust to tidy up the workshop and then tied into bundles all our offcut pieces and moved them outside to go with the other off-cuts already out on the pallet.



Tomorrow, we will continue in the workshop whilst the rain and winds blows down from the North, and make more Legs!! Oh yes, we earlier moved out the previous created Legs and put them on the large platform trolley and covered them in a tarpaulin, so they are ready to be transported around the house when the weather changes to being dry!!

By Shaun

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