The work continues .. ..
Day 7 – Friday
Finished off the sand layer to required depth (700mm). Marked out the trench lines ready for the 40mm stones.

Day 8 – Saturday
First load of the 40mm stones to the depth of 300mm.

Day 9 – Sunday
Finished the stones.

Installed the leaky pipes and bed them in on the correct level (1 in 200) no more than 50mm lower from start to the farthest point!

Day 10 – Monday
Collect up the remaining stones. The building Control officer came (just a flicker of him at 11:30am!!!), he says “Looks good!” Delivery of 20tons of 10mm stones.

Day 11 – Wednesday
Put remaining 40mm stones over the pipes. Cover the whole area with a layer of the geotextile and weighted it down.

Started filling in everything!

Day 12 – Thursday
Continued and finished filling in the hole.

Well That’s that!