We have started the job of laying down engineered laminated floor tiles in our Garden room.

Day 1 – Saturday 18th June

We prepared the tiles, slicing up 9 of them into halves as instructed. We laid out a test run to see how they fit into the room and how square it is. We measured all the various corners and edges to make sure we have the tiles form a solid pattern without leaving horrible thin strips on some edge!

Day 2 – Sunday 19th June

We got going with the gluing today for real! Starting at the far end of the Garden Room, we cut the first row of tiles narrow so that the 14th row would line up just next to the WC wall. We made sure that this 14th row would be slightly inside the WC wall to ensure we don’t end up with that horrible thin strip. We got the first five rows done before lunch, making sure they were square against the middle wall. And then the remaining 9 rows after lunch. We didn’t finished until well after 8pm! Phew!

But it is looking very nice! So far!

Where the pipes come through the floor we managed to get the joins almost invisible! (All that work for something hidden in a cupboard!).

GR Laminate laid

GR Laminate laid

This represents 70% of the floor completed. It is just the WC, doorways and the little corridor to finish tomorrow! No sweat!

By Shaun

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