Indoor Jobs – Wet Weather
Today we were working indoors to get out of the wet weather. We tidied up the workshop and re-assembled an old work bench. It is 12 feet long and 3…
A DIY Selfbuild by Stephen, Shaun & Daphne
Today we were working indoors to get out of the wet weather. We tidied up the workshop and re-assembled an old work bench. It is 12 feet long and 3…
We decided to repair our temporary storage come accommodation’s roof. The wooden building is over 8 years old so the original roofing felt is cracking up! We had the job…
We had a flying visit from our Building Control inspector and we had a quick talk about the need to make sure the ground under and around the garage will…
We started to dig the first trench for the earth tubes and as soon as it was full depth the walls started to collapse, a large chunk from the right…
The footprint of the garage and driveway has been cleared. The top soil was removed (about 300mm, a foot) and dumped on the heap which we are now calling Mount…
The deepest job so far and probably ever, is installing the Earth Tubes! We want these to be buried as deep as possible to take advantage of the cool and…
Day 4 – Thursday 5th August Started the day by doing a repair on the digger which I had been meaning to do for ages. The switch which allows the…
Stephen spend the morning doing the regular maintenance, pumping grease into the joints and bearings including doing the dumper truck as well. But Stephen decided to tackle the longer running…
Started moving the top soil to our spoil heap at the top of the garden. Just load and dump over and over again… Day 2 – Tuesday 3rd August Day…
The next job is to clear the area for the garage, earth tubes, rainwater tanks and soak away. We need to remove the top soil over the area from the…