Today, Sunday, under a very grey sky, we got up on to the roof of our temporary living quarters and rolled up our Sun Shield tarpaulin covering over our long corridor and put it away for this year.
We did a quick inspection of the rest of the roof, including the garage roof, to make sure that it is looking good and solid.
Plus also, we put in fresh batteries into our weather station transmitter as it was reporting a low battery indication.
After that, we went over to our temporary wooden fence along the Loke to repair two panels that had been blown down by the storm we had a couple of days ago. The rain gauge reported a total of 50mm of water fallen out of the sky! Fortunately, it was not all concentrated in one sharp downpour but spread right across the whole day. Phew!
Anyway, we screwed some pieces of 2 by 1 battens (recycling so old pieces used for the dunking tank) to reinforce the broken vertical edges of the panels and slid them back in between their posts. This time, we also screwed the panels to the posts to stop them falling out of their brackets.

Sun Shield Over Corridor Removed and Two Fence Panels repaired After Storm


That concludes the 2 hours of Sunday chores!

By Shaun

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