The back wall is now completed with the 6th row of blocks laid today. we had
to do another 31 blocks to finish it off and 1 around the corner on the end

We continued along the front of the swimming lane to start the 1st row and
we did 12 blocks. It took longer to do those as we were being careful and
getting them level and at the right height so that the subsequence rows on
top come out neat and tidy.





The back wall is done for now until the soil behind the wall has settled
down and compacted with future rain falls. It is likely to be several years
before we get back to doing the next task, the return channel feature of
the swimming lane.

The back wall is now doing the job of holding back the soil and water from
the higher grounds of our neighbours and we can hopefully forget about that
issue for now.

By Shaun

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