Today, in the lovely sunny weather we are still having here, we constructed a homemade mobile viaducts to help carry the ready mixed concrete from the lorry up on our Loke, down to the various locations across the whole site.
It is constructed from our supply of 18 mm OSB sheets, sliced up into 300 mm wide strips, which are in turn covered in strips of DPM we had left over, along with vertical 89 mm CLS timber to act as the major support struts. These formed a channel of 300 mm wide and 200 mm high sides, with a “socket” on the beginning to allow one section to “plug” into the next one down the slope.
The first one is made slightly differently to act as the collector to interface to the cement mixer’s own metal shoot, where our collector is wide at the start and narrows down to the more regular 300 mm width.
We made 4 modules, and we just need to make one more that has a clever little side door that can be released to dam and divert the downwards flow of concrete and make it shoot out sideways for doing our front foundation strips.