Filling in the hole is not the most exciting thing to write about so here is a summary of our progress. The weather has not been as good as recent weeks, which has slowed our progress a bit.

Carefully filled and compacted on south side of the tank and behind the earth tubes. Installed the rainwater input pipe.

South side of tank filled and compacted

We decided that the area outside of the garage footprint could be filled in bulk and allowed to settle if necessary, so fill was dumped in from an edge and the next load beyond it. There was some compaction by the weight of the dumper truck driving over the fill.

roughly filled areaand surface compacted

Then we measured and laid concrete around the earth tubes nearest the house, this will support a block work chamber which gathers the air into a smaller area to feed into the house by a tunnel. As I said the rain has been a bit more frequent in then last week, indeed we had just mixed a load of concrete when torrential rain fell. Guess where the lowest point was for the rain to collect …. yeah the formwork ready for the concrete! Luckily the rain stopped long enough for the area to drain away and we managed to place the concrete half an hour later.

concrete in place around earth tubes

By Stephen

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