This afternoon, we set up our chop saw on our work table to cut up 9 lengths of timber into 25 pieces to do all the front and back rafters of the Skylight. Each is 1273mm long on the edge (or 1299mm in actual wood length), because both ends have a 15degrees angle cut.

Then we started building a template that will hold each of these rafter pieces, run along a fence guide on our band saw machine and slice a cut at a predetermined position and depth.

Rafters Cut to length and Templates started to Cut Complicated Ends


We want to be able, repeatedly, to put in all the rafters to get exactly the same series of cuts so we end up with the same complicated shaped ends. There are a total of five cuts needed (three on one end and two on the other) so we will have to adjust and modify our template and fence guide five times over before we have it all done.
Tomorrow, we will continue with this setup process and work on each of the five “methods” at a time to achieve our goal .. eventually – phew!

By Shaun

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