This morning, we got down to putting the finishing touches to the materials that form the EH Hip diagonal Rafter. All the webbing plywood pieces and both the top and bottom LVL flanges were sanded. Then we moved on to the HI Rafter, we went outside to measure the top flange which turned out to be 5635mm, so we cut in the bird’s mouth and sliced the inverted arrow cut-out at the other end at that measurement. We tested this piece outside again and all is well. We then cut the bottom flange to size.
Back in the workshop, we vacuumed everything to get rid of the dust and then started building up the layers of the EH rafter in the template and glued and nailed the whole lot together, on both sides, of course not forgetting to insert the polystyrene foam pieces too.



That concludes the day’s work, but first thing in the morning, we will assemble the other rafter, the HI one, and get that one all glued and nailed so it can be drying while we take outside the EH rafter and mount it into place, and on Saturday, we will mount up the HI rafter and we would finally have done those three similar rafters – At Last!

By Shaun

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