First thing this morning, we hauled out the five “J” rafters outside and got them installed up into the roof. This cleared up some much needed space in our workshop.



We finished off the morning by finishing off converting the various templates to the new 40 degree mode.
After lunch, we started the preparation work for the “H” and “P” sections of the roof (these sections are over the Utility room and Bedroom 3 and back door, and over the Great Room respectively ). We needed 36 plywood webbing strips and 9 lengths of both the 63mm and 89mm CLS timber, all so we can make nine rafters (4 for the “H” and 5 for “P” sections).
We sliced the 40degrees ends on the webbing strips, cut down to required lengths and paired them off ready for their respective flanges. The flanges had also the 40degrees ends done (with two of the 89mm CLS having the Bird’s mouth cuts too) and all of them chopped down to their required lengths too.
We spent the remaining of the time making loads of noggings until the 18:00 “tools down” time arrived!
Tomorrow, we will proceed to make these nine rafters, hopefully all in the one day – that would be good!!

By Shaun

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